Poniżej przedstawiamy zakłady montażowe, które posiadają naszą akredytację do montażu instalacji przystosowującej pojazdy do zasilania gazowego ze zbiornikiem firmy P.P.H. Bormech.
Dodatkowo do ściągnięcia jest wykaz w formacie „.pdf”- numer PL004400/G.
- during a visit to the office
- by letter
- electronically -PROCEDURE
The applicant for a duplicate of the test and decision report for the LPG tank installed in the car is obliged to:
1 - providing the full name of the company (or name and surname for natural persons), address with code, NIP (or PESEL) number, contact telephone number,
2 - provide identification data of the tank - manufacturer, serial number, year of construction, serial number, capacity, approval number, (read from the tank),
3 - payment of a fee of 65 PLN to the account of Transportowy Dozor Techniczny National Country Bank in Warsaw, no. 70 1130 1017 0020 1237 5820 0003, with the information "the fee applies to the issuance of duplicate documents of the LPG tank serial number..."
4 - attach a copy of the proof of payment to the application for issuing duplicates.
The application for a duplicate of the test report and decision for the LPG tank installed in the car should be delivered to:
Field Branch of Transport Technical Supervision in Gdańsk, ul. Kętrzyńskiego 24b, 80-376 Gdańsk
Phone: (058) 511-00-80; fax: (58) 305-42-49; www.tdt.pl
The procedure for handling the matter is consistent with the Code of Administrative Procedure - 14 days.
Rating plate in the case of TOROIDAL tanks with an internal head - access to it is obtained after unscrewing the gas-tight cover (two screws) with the approval number E20 67R 01 0479
NR – internal tank symbol, e.g. T1B
2303 - tank number 20 06 - year and month of production
D – tank diameter, in this case 630
L – cylinder capacity – 56
E 20 67R 01 1062 - tank approval number
Rating plate for CYLINDRICAL and TOROIDAL tanks with an external head
NR – internal tank symbol, e.g. W2B
9227- tank number 20 05- year and month of production
D – tank diameter, in this case 360
L - cylinder capacity - 20
E 20 67R 01 0688 - tank approval number